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가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 3집 (Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 3) : 세계 문학 BEST 영어 원서 633

가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 3집 (Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 3) : 세계 문학 BEST 영어 원서 633 처음의 두 권은 거인왕(巨人王)인 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 부자 2대의 유년시대·편력수업·경이적 무훈을 이야기하고 수도사장과 인텔리 변덕쟁이인 파뉴르주 등의 매력있는 측근을 안배해 두었으며 독립하여 읽을 수 있으면서 우스운 세계를 만들어내고 있다. 자기의 존엄과 자유에 눈뜬 르네상스인의 환희와 몽상, 구태의연한 정치, 사회, 사상의 왜곡에 대한 풍자와 비판이 종횡무진하게 짜여져 이 시대를 웅변으로 가장 잘 표현한 걸작이다. === ebook 특징=== 1. 제목 : 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 3집 2. 영어 원제 : Gargantua and Pantag..
가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 3집
(Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 3)

: 세계 문학 BEST 영어 원서 633

처음의 두 권은 거인왕(巨人王)인 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 부자 2대의 유년시대·편력수업·경이적 무훈을 이야기하고 수도사장과 인텔리 변덕쟁이인 파뉴르주 등의 매력있는 측근을 안배해 두었으며 독립하여 읽을 수 있으면서 우스운 세계를 만들어내고 있다.

자기의 존엄과 자유에 눈뜬 르네상스인의 환희와 몽상, 구태의연한 정치, 사회, 사상의 왜곡에 대한 풍자와 비판이 종횡무진하게 짜여져 이 시대를 웅변으로 가장 잘 표현한 걸작이다.

=== ebook 특징===
1. 제목 : 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 3집
2. 영어 원제 : Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 3
3. 영어 원서 "텍스트" 제공

4 부록. 추가 영어원서 수록: <안데르센 동화 18편> 모음집 (오디오북 포함)

팡타그뤼엘 (1532) (필명 - 알코프리바 나지에)
가르강튀아 (1534) (필명 - 알코프리바 나지에)
제3서(Tiers Livre) (1546)
제4서(Quart Livre) (1552)
제5서(Cinquième Livre) (1564) (사후출간)
팡타그뤼엘이 먼저 쓰였으나, 거인 가르강튀아의 아들이라는 설정으로 보통 《가르강튀아/팡타그뤼엘》의 순서를 가진다.

Chapter 3.I.—How Pantagruel transported a colony of Utopians into Dipsody.
Chapter 3.II.—How Panurge was made Laird of Salmigondin in Dipsody, and did waste his revenue before it came in.
Chapter 3.III.—How Panurge praiseth the debtors and borrowers.
Chapter 3.IV.—Panurge continueth his discourse in the praise of borrowers and lenders.
Chapter 3.V.—How Pantagruel altogether abhorreth the debtors and borrowers.
Chapter 3.VI.—Why new married men were privileged from going to the wars.
Chapter 3.VII.—How Panurge had a flea in his ear, and forbore to wear any longer his magnificent codpiece.
Chapter 3.VIII.—Why the codpiece is held to be the chief piece of armour amongst warriors.
Chapter 3.IX.—How Panurge asketh counsel of Pantagruel whether he should marry, yea, or no.
Chapter 3.X.—How Pantagruel representeth unto Panurge the difficulty of giving advice in the matter of marriage; and to that purpose mentioneth somewhat of the Homeric and Virgilian lotteries.
Chapter 3.XI.—How Pantagruel showeth the trial of one’s fortune by the throwing of dice to be unlawful.
Chapter 3.XII.—How Pantagruel doth explore by the Virgilian lottery what fortune Panurge shall have in his marriage.
Chapter 3.XIII.—How Pantagruel adviseth Panurge to try the future good or bad luck of his marriage by dreams.
Chapter 3.XIV.—Panurge’s dream, with the interpretation thereof.
Chapter 3.XV.—Panurge’s excuse and exposition of the monastic mystery concerning powdered beef.
Chapter 3.XVI.—How Pantagruel adviseth Panurge to consult with the Sibyl of Panzoust.
Chapter 3.XVII.—How Panurge spoke to the Sibyl of Panzoust.
Chapter 3.XVIII.—How Pantagruel and Panurge did diversely expound the verses of the Sibyl of Panzoust.
Chapter 3.XIX.—How Pantagruel praiseth the counsel of dumb men.
Chapter 3.XX.—How Goatsnose by signs maketh answer to Panurge.
Chapter 3.XXI.—How Panurge consulteth with an old French poet, named Raminagrobis.
Chapter 3.XXII.—How Panurge patrocinates and defendeth the Order of the Begging Friars.
Chapter 3.XXIII.—How Panurge maketh the motion of a return to Raminagrobis.
Chapter 3.XXIV.—How Panurge consulteth with Epistemon.
Chapter 3.XXV.—How Panurge consulteth with Herr Trippa.
Chapter 3.XXVI.—How Panurge consulteth with Friar John of the Funnels.
Chapter 3.XXVII.—How Friar John merrily and sportingly counselleth Panurge.
Chapter 3.XXVIII.—How Friar John comforteth Panurge in the doubtful matter of cuckoldry.
Chapter 3.XXIX.—How Pantagruel convocated together a theologian, physician, lawyer, and philosopher, for extricating Panurge out of the perplexity wherein he was.
Chapter 3.XXX.—How the theologue, Hippothadee, giveth counsel to Panurge in the matter and business of his nuptial enterprise.
Chapter 3.XXXI.—How the physician Rondibilis counselleth Panurge.
Chapter 3.XXXII.—How Rondibilis declareth cuckoldry to be naturally one of the appendances of marriage.
Chapter 3.XXXIII.—Rondibilis the physician’s cure of cuckoldry.
Chapter 3.XXXIV.—How women ordinarily have the greatest longing after things prohibited.
Chapter 3.XXXV.—How the philosopher Trouillogan handleth the difficulty of marriage.
Chapter 3.XXXVI.—A continuation of the answer of the Ephectic and Pyrrhonian philosopher Trouillogan.
Chapter 3.XXXVII.—How Pantagruel persuaded Panurge to take counsel of a fool.
Chapter 3.XXXVIII.—How Triboulet is set forth and blazed by Pantagruel and Panurge.
Chapter 3.XXXIX.—How Pantagruel was present at the trial of Judge Bridlegoose, who decided causes and controversies in law by the chance and fortune of the dice.
Chapter 3.XL.—How Bridlegoose giveth reasons why he looked upon those law-actions which he decided by the chance of the dice.
Chapter 3.XLI.—How Bridlegoose relateth the history of the reconcilers of parties at variance in matters of law.
Chapter 3.XLII.—How suits at law are bred at first, and how they come afterwards to their perfect growth.
Chapter 3.XLIII.—How Pantagruel excuseth Bridlegoose in the matter of sentencing actions at law by the chance of the dice.
Chapter 3.XLIV.—How Pantagruel relateth a strange history of the perplexity of human judgment.
Chapter 3.XLV.—How Panurge taketh advice of Triboulet.
Chapter 3.XLVI.—How Pantagruel and Panurge diversely interpret the words of Triboulet.
Chapter 3.XLVII.—How Pantagruel and Panurge resolved to make a visit to the oracle of the holy bottle.
Chapter 3.XLVIII.—How Gargantua showeth that the children ought not to marry without the special knowledge and advice of their fathers and mothers.
Chapter 3.XLIX.—How Pantagruel did put himself in a readiness to go to sea; and of the herb named Pantagruelion.
Chapter 3.L.—How the famous Pantagruelion ought to be prepared and wrought.
Chapter 3.LI.—Why it is called Pantagruelion, and of the admirable virtues thereof.
Chapter 3.LII.—How a certain kind of Pantagruelion is of that nature that the fire is not able to consume it.
* 작가 : 프랑수아 라블레(François Rabelais)
1494? - 1553 4월 9일 프랑스의 작가이다. 대표적인 인문주의자이며, 프랑스 르네상스의 선구자이다.

법률가이자 투렌의 부유한 지주인 앙투안 라블레의 아들로, 서프랑스의 시농 근교에서 출생. 1510년경에 프란체스코파·베네딕트파의 수도원에 들어가 고전학을 공부하였다.

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