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가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 5집 (Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 5) : 세계 문학 BEST 영어 원서 635

가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 5집 (Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 5) : 세계 문학 BEST 영어 원서 635 처음의 두 권은 거인왕(巨人王)인 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 부자 2대의 유년시대·편력수업·경이적 무훈을 이야기하고 수도사장과 인텔리 변덕쟁이인 파뉴르주 등의 매력있는 측근을 안배해 두었으며 독립하여 읽을 수 있으면서 우스운 세계를 만들어내고 있다. 자기의 존엄과 자유에 눈뜬 르네상스인의 환희와 몽상, 구태의연한 정치, 사회, 사상의 왜곡에 대한 풍자와 비판이 종횡무진하게 짜여져 이 시대를 웅변으로 가장 잘 표현한 걸작이다. === ebook 특징=== 1. 제목 : 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 5집 2. 영어 원제 : Gargantua and Pantag..
가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 5집
(Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 5)

: 세계 문학 BEST 영어 원서 635

처음의 두 권은 거인왕(巨人王)인 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 부자 2대의 유년시대·편력수업·경이적 무훈을 이야기하고 수도사장과 인텔리 변덕쟁이인 파뉴르주 등의 매력있는 측근을 안배해 두었으며 독립하여 읽을 수 있으면서 우스운 세계를 만들어내고 있다.

자기의 존엄과 자유에 눈뜬 르네상스인의 환희와 몽상, 구태의연한 정치, 사회, 사상의 왜곡에 대한 풍자와 비판이 종횡무진하게 짜여져 이 시대를 웅변으로 가장 잘 표현한 걸작이다.

=== ebook 특징===
1. 제목 : 가르강튀아와 팡타그뤼엘 5집
2. 영어 원제 : Gargantua and Pantagruel. Vol 5
3. 영어 원서 "텍스트" 제공

4 부록. 추가 영어원서 수록: <안데르센 동화 18편> 모음집 (오디오북 포함)

팡타그뤼엘 (1532) (필명 - 알코프리바 나지에)
가르강튀아 (1534) (필명 - 알코프리바 나지에)
제3서(Tiers Livre) (1546)
제4서(Quart Livre) (1552)
제5서(Cinquième Livre) (1564) (사후출간)
팡타그뤼엘이 먼저 쓰였으나, 거인 가르강튀아의 아들이라는 설정으로 보통 《가르강튀아/팡타그뤼엘》의 순서를 가진다.


Chapter 5.I.—How Pantagruel arrived at the Ringing Island, and of the noise that we heard.
Chapter 5.II.—How the Ringing Island had been inhabited by the Siticines, who were become birds.
Chapter 5.III.—How there is but one pope-hawk in the Ringing Island.
Chapter 5.IV.—How the birds of the Ringing Island were all passengers.
Chapter 5.V.—Of the dumb Knight-hawks of the Ringing Island.
Chapter 5.VI.—How the birds are crammed in the Ringing Island.
Chapter 5.VII.—How Panurge related to Master Aedituus the fable of the horse and the ass.
Chapter 5.VIII.—How with much ado we got a sight of the pope-hawk.
Chapter 5.IX.—How we arrived at the island of Tools.
Chapter 5.X.—How Pantagruel arrived at the island of Sharping.
Chapter 5.XI.—How we passed through the wicket inhabited by Gripe-men-all, Archduke of the Furred Law-cats.
Chapter 5.XII.—How Gripe-men-all propounded a riddle to us.
Chapter 5.XIII.—How Panurge solved Gripe-men-all’s riddle.
Chapter 5.XIV.—How the Furred Law-cats live on corruption.
Chapter 5.XV.—How Friar John talks of rooting out the Furred Law-cats.
Chapter 5.XVI.—How Pantagruel came to the island of the Apedefers, or Ignoramuses, with long claws and crooked paws, and of terrible adventures and monsters there.
Chapter 5.XVII.—How we went forwards, and how Panurge had like to have been killed.
Chapter 5.XVIII.—How our ships were stranded, and we were relieved by some people that were subject to Queen Whims (qui tenoient de la Quinte).
Chapter 5.XIX.—How we arrived at the queendom of Whims or Entelechy.
Chapter 5.XX.—How the Quintessence cured the sick with a song.
Chapter 5.XXI.—How the Queen passed her time after dinner.
Chapter 5.XXII.—How Queen Whims’ officers were employed; and how the said lady retained us among her abstractors.
Chapter 5.XXIII.—How the Queen was served at dinner, and of her way of eating.
Chapter 5.XXIV.—How there was a ball in the manner of a tournament, at which Queen Whims was present.
Chapter 5.XXV.—How the thirty-two persons at the ball fought.
Chapter 5.XXVI.—How we came to the island of Odes, where the ways go up and down.
Chapter 5.XXVII.—How we came to the island of Sandals; and of the order of Semiquaver Friars.
Chapter 5.XXVIII.—How Panurge asked a Semiquaver Friar many questions, and was only answered in monosyllables.
Chapter 5.XXIX.—How Epistemon disliked the institution of Lent.
Chapter 5.XXX.—How we came to the land of Satin.
Chapter 5.XXXI.—How in the land of Satin we saw Hearsay, who kept a school of vouching.
Chapter 5.XXXII.—How we came in sight of Lantern-land.
Chapter 5.XXXIII.—How we landed at the port of the Lychnobii, and came to Lantern-land.
Chapter 5.XXXIV.—How we arrived at the Oracle of the Bottle.
Chapter 5.XXXV.—How we went underground to come to the Temple of the Holy Bottle, and how Chinon is the oldest city in the world.
Chapter 5.XXXVI.—How we went down the tetradic steps, and of Panurge’s fear.
Chapter 5.XXXVII.—How the temple gates in a wonderful manner opened of themselves.
Chapter 5.XXXVIII.—Of the Temple’s admirable pavement.
Chapter 5.XXXIX.—How we saw Bacchus’s army drawn up in battalia in mosaic work.
Chapter 5.XL.—How the battle in which the good Bacchus overthrew the Indians was represented in mosaic work.
Chapter 5.XLI.—How the temple was illuminated with a wonderful lamp.
Chapter 5.XLII —How the Priestess Bacbuc showed us a fantastic fountain in the temple, and how the fountain-water had the taste of wine, according to the imagination of those who drank of it.
Chapter 5.XLIII.—How the Priestess Bacbuc equipped Panurge in order to have the word of the Bottle.
Chapter 5.XLIV.—How Bacbuc, the high-priestess, brought Panurge before the Holy Bottle.
Chapter 5.XLV.—How Bacbuc explained the word of the Goddess-Bottle.
Chapter 5.XLVI.—How Panurge and the rest rhymed with poetic fury.
Chapter 5.XLVII.—How we took our leave of Bacbuc, and left the Oracle of the Holy Bottle.
* 작가 : 프랑수아 라블레(François Rabelais)
1494? - 1553 4월 9일 프랑스의 작가이다. 대표적인 인문주의자이며, 프랑스 르네상스의 선구자이다.

법률가이자 투렌의 부유한 지주인 앙투안 라블레의 아들로, 서프랑스의 시농 근교에서 출생. 1510년경에 프란체스코파·베네딕트파의 수도원에 들어가 고전학을 공부하였다.

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